UC San Diego

Design Lab

Design Lab Community is a team of the UC San Diego design
lab. We build relationships with industry, civic, and education
partners to cultivate community-driven innovation ecosystems
across UCSD, San Diego, and beyond.

Process & Principles

Human-Centered design is about building relationships. We believe change moves at the pace of trust. We build trust through our humble, curious, inclusive and transdisciplinary approach to human-centered design.

We facilitate real-world learning and applications, develop partnerships for research and infrastructure, and build networks across the San Diego community.

Initiation & Action​

We begin early and begin repeatedly, via a culture of attempts and building upon past work.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity​

We create radical inclusivity by bringing people along, cultivating diversity and mutual respect across vocation, race, gender, generation, interest, discipline and perspective.

Resources & Access​

We generate access intentionally by building or recognizing the resource-riches of any environment.

Infrastructure & Ecosystems​

We cultivate an ecosystem by strategically building, sharing and repurposing tools, infrastructure

Iteration, Yes & Reciprocity​

We iterate on best practices responsively, through continued feedback, reflection and articulation


Our projects range from small to large--from long term infrastructures to creative events. In whatever case, we bring innovation and transformation to human and organizational ecosystems.

Our projects connect, catalyze, and co-create.


We can do more together than apart. Connecting voices from across the region builds a critical foundation of trust and open communication that allows for deep and authentic engagement with communities. In addition to conducting interactive sessions with initiative-specific community groups, the Design Lab helps pull together sector and cross-sector groups of innovators, influencers, practitioners, and policymakers ​


Community-driven design often serves as a catalyst for strategic visioning, decision-making, organizational transformation and program and policy development.


Community-driven design is ultimately focused on solution implementation and impact that is co-created with the pertinent community or communities. We often achieve this by conducting “design sprints” and more in-depth “design challenges” around specific priorities of regional community leaders, policymakers, planners, and constituents.

Design Forward Alliance

a non-profit organization that promotes design-driven innovation in business, education, and government.

The Educators Alliance

Educators who are using human-centered design in classes and projects from k-12 through 4-year university and including tech colleges, community colleges, continuing education, and co-curricular organizations.

Design and Creative
Community Leaders

This forum meets regularly to build and ensure strong communication channels, leverage resources, and ensuring that the regional creative economy has a unified voice

Innovation Coalition

A group composed of regional “umbrella organizations” in the innovation space such as Design Forward Alliance, the Data Science Alliance, San Diego Tech Hub, and Creative Mornings

Childhood Obesity Initiative

This forum meets regularly to build and ensure strong communication channels, leverage resources, and ensuring that the regional creative economy has a unified voice


A group composed of regional “umbrella organizations” in the innovation space such as Design Forward Alliance, the Data Science Alliance, San Diego Tech Hub, and Creative Mornings

Pepper Canyon
Mobility Hub Designathon

This forum meets regularly to build and ensure strong communication channels, leverage resources, and ensuring that the regional creative economy has a unified voice

Sony CLP

A group composed of regional “umbrella organizations” in the innovation space such as Design Forward Alliance, the Data Science Alliance, San Diego Tech Hub, and Creative Mornings


Partners & Sponsors


The Design Lab Community team is always excited to connect with new members, partners, collaborators, educators, and students. Are you a company, agency, or community group interested in partnering with the Design Lab? Contact us here

Are you a UCSD faculty, staff member, or educational group who would like to collaborate with us? Connect with us here

Are you a student who would like to work with The Design Lab?
We often have openings for student volunteers, researchers, and participants. Add yourself to our student interest list. We review this list a month before the start of each quarter.

Need to be in touch right away? DesignLab Phone number.